P1 符号つき長語の整数印刷ルーチン
P1 Print Signed Long Integers

Closed; even;  self setting; 46 storage locations

time=0.2 sec/character, working spaces 0oL, 0g.

Prints 235C(0oL) wiht suppression of non-significant

zeros and followed by sign.

Notes: 1.  0 is printed as -.

       2.  The output tape perforated by this routine may

           be used as an input tape for R1.

       3.  Non-significant zeros will not be suppressed

           if the subroutine is entered at the second

           order (by jl 1p).

 0   18t
 1   a 31r  ┐ plant link
 2   x 45r  ┘
 3   tg        set counter
 4   nlo    ┐ test sign
 5   k 40r  ┘
 6   p 37r  ┐ set address for
 7   x 43r  ┘ negative sign
 8   nlo     change sign if negative
 9   ll 2013┐ calculate each
10   dl 38r ┘ digit
11   zl 14r
12   a 33r  ┐ set print order
13   5t     ┘
14   l 18   ┐ set address for
15   a 28r  │ printing
16   f 1t   ┘
17   n (  ) ┐ print digits
18   (tllt) ┘
19   pg     ┐ count the number
20   a 33   │ of digit, and test
21   tg     │ for last digit
22   kl 43r ┘

23   ll 35
24   v 34r  ┐ 
25   rl 31  │ multiply by 10
26   jl 10r ┘
27 | LF     ┐
28 | n 27r  │
29 | e      │
30 | f      │
31 | k 2    │ code table
32 | r 2r   │ address part used
33 | o 18r  │ as constants
34 | s      │
35 | q      │
36 | b      │
37 | q 37r  ┘
38 | 38146  ┐
39 | 254976 ┘ 1010
40   tlo
41   p 32r  ┐ set address for
42   jl 7r  ┘ positive sign
43   n (  ) ┐
44   tllt   ┘ print sign
45   jl (  )   link order

                              Author: Y. Ishibashi

                              Date: 58-07-23